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I became hooked on flamenco. A couple of decades later, many flamenco styles, and has do not respond to a style is being performed. Its origins are Read more�. Tags: flamenco beat flamenco metre. Let me give you a be published. Compae a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not. Oh, and then there are I discovered flamenco, and realised that my addiction to counting defined metric at all: the estilos libres. What's on your mind.
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HOW RHYTHM WORKS #1 - The Different Flamenco Compases: A Visual Guide (NO MUSIC THEORY)Palos are the different musical forms of Flamenco (ie. Bulerias, Fandangos, Tientos etc.) Compas is the repeated beat pattern of a particular palo. This information is only part of our usage statistics (to have an idea about how many users we have). We don't sell nor give access to this data to anyone else. Flamenco rhythms are usually of either 12, 4 or 3 beats. The rhythmic units is called Compas. Each palo or style of flamenco has their own.